
Hello my lovely blog,,

Long time no writing here, are you longing to me? Hehehe…

Ok,, I'll tell you about my life recently. I am so busy to customize you, try to make you good looking, hehehe. I want to have beautiful blog. I know the main purpose of blog is a place to write, Is not it??. But a good looking blog will improve my spirit to write and readers will enjoy reading (If they visit it). I have been browsing to get ways to customize. I got some ways and I practiced it. A bit better but I have been satisfied, hohoho…Still trying to find and practice others.

My lovely blog,

I have been changed my bad character, Lazy, untidy, massy, and bit crazy (hahaha). Actually I really frustrated with life like this that I am get worth. But I am tired blaming myself. I know that blaming is useless, it wont make changing if I won't changing it by myself. I have to accept my excess and lacking gracefully . Just need to optimize efforts that I can do to make my life meaningful, I hope I can. I have passed many difficulties in the past. I have arrived in this step, where There are many chances to be better.

Back to my first purpose that I want to reach all my dreams. I want to have knowledge as much as possible, that can be used to help all people who need. I want to make my family and all people around me happy cause of me. I hope with you "my lovely blog", Writing here will force me to learn more and more..

You are able If You want,, Stop Blaming Do What You can Do...

I want to live my life to the absolute fullest

To open my eyes to be all I can be

To travel roads not taken, to meet faces unknown

To feel the wind, to touch the stars

I promise to discover myself

To stand tall with greatness

To chase down and catch every dream


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